Sound Tribe Sector 9
The Warfield - San Fran, CA
Media Type:
Schoeps mk41>cmc6>v2>Oade adc24lp-1>D7 (@48)
971 MB
Set 1:
I: Breathe In, Rilly Wut?, And Some Are Angels*, Once Told, Mischief Of A
Sleepwalker, Moon Socket, Luma Daylight, Satori*
Sleepwalker, Moon Socket, Luma Daylight, Satori*
Set 2:
II: Evasive Maneuvers > Kamuy, For My Peeps*, Circus, Today, Jebez, Orbital*, Grow
Set 3:
E: It?s The End Of The World As We Know It*, T.W.E.L.V.E.
Show Notes:
*With Audio Angel