Pat Metheny Group

Orpheum Theatre - Minneapolis, MN
Media Type:
Pretty good quality, great show. My SHN: 752 MB

1. Overall sound muffled.
2. Short breaks between some tracks.
3. Pat's comments broken in disc 1 track 6 at 10:55:
"...the title track from the first album that we've gotten to do
with // And that's what we've done so far."
4. Straight On Red incomplete (fades out).
Set 1:
1. Forward March
2. Phase Dance
3. Naked Moon
4. Tell It All
5. James
6. The First Circle
7. Scrap Metal
8. Farmer's Trust
9. Goodbye
10. Straight On Red
11. Are You Going With Me?
12. The Fields, The Sky
13. Yolanda, You Learn
14. San Lorenzo
15. Praise
16. American Garage